
n. 乞丐
vt. 使贫穷, 使成乞丐

n. a pauper who lives by begging
v. be beyond the resources of
v. reduce to beggary


1.I’m a beggar, and a married beggar, too, and it’s your fault.

我就是个乞丐 一个结了婚的乞丐 这都怪你

2.It beggars belief. It may beggar him.

让人费解 这可能会拖垮他

3.Persuasive as you are, this beggars belief.

还是这么巧言令色 让人难以置信

4.But I guess beggars can’t be choosers.

但到了这一步 哪还有资格挑剔

5.But beggars, you know, cannot be choosers.

但乞讨者们 你知道 是不能当选择者的

6.We live in a neighborhood of beggars.


7.You only did half your job, don’t be a beggar.

你的工作只完成了一半 别像个乞丐一样

8.As you once remarked, beggars cannot be choosers.

就像你说过的 没钱就没得选

9.And we’re the enemy, beggars in our own homes.

我们反倒成了敌人 家里还成了收容所

10.We don’t even halfway trust you, so you are a beggar.

可以说根本不信任你 所以你就是在乞讨
