
a. 胀大的, 肥胖的, 喘气的, 一阵阵吹的
[医] 虚肿的, 浮肿的

s. abnormally distended especially by fluids or gas


1.I can’t be puffy before my next shoot.


2.I woke up puffy, and my hair’s not behaving.

我看上去有点浮肿 今天发型也不好

3.Aw, but I love you all red and puffy.


4.And, uh, I’ll be there selling these puffy paint tshirts.

我也会在那里 销售这些发泡彩胶T恤

5.It’s all red and puffy like a baboon’s arse.

又红又肿 就像狒狒的

6.I think it was the things, the little puffies that we ate.

我覺得是那個 我們吃的那個圓餅

7.Pretty much the same. I feel puffy, blotchy.

和之前差不多 感觉浑身起斑 头昏脑涨

8.I’m having a puffy day, and I don’t feel like enduring any more of his barbs.

今天真是不顺 我更不想听他的刻薄话了

9.This ink is still fresh, and the skin is red and puffy.

墨水还很清晰 皮肤也还红肿

10.Her face is all red and puffy from sick hands that have touched it.

她的脸又红又肿 被很多病手摸过的下场
