
a. 富于机智的, 诙谐的

s. combining clever conception and facetious expression


1.witty. I will put that in my new book of witty sayings.

真会说 我会在我的新巧言书里记下的

2.And you’re clever, you’re witty and you are a coward.

你聪明 风趣却是懦夫一个

3.I remember being very interesting and witty.


4.I’m witty and cute and funny and arter than you.

我聪慧 可爱 幽默 比你聪明百倍

5.I alw… II didn’t have a witty comeback.


6.I am all out of witty and banter and am struggling with love.

但我现在完全没心情这样 感觉再也不会爱了

7.When we get in there, everyone witty and reclining.

我们等下进去 每个人都给我表现得风趣幽默又惹人怜爱

8.Not very witty. I’m obviously quite art.

不是很俏皮 我显然挺聪明的

9.Carolyn, you are my gritty, witty city kitty.

卡洛琳 你是我坚韧机智高大上的小猫咪

10.I “liked” it and wrote several witty ripostes.

我还点了赞 写了几句诙谐的评论
