
a. 有结构的
[计] 结构的

a. having definite and highly organized structure


1.We’re all fans of the structure, but the structure needs time.

我们都喜欢架构 但架构需要时间

2.No matter what species you make me, good bone structure is good bone structure.

不管你把我说成什么东西 天生丽质就是天生丽质啊

3.They walk into this structure that is so beautiful, and all of a sudden they are hit with this emotional impact of this structure that’s based on grief.

他们走进这座建筑 它是如此美丽 突然间悲伤的情绪涌上心头 这正是这座寺庙带来的情感冲击

4.We thought we were questioning the very structure of society and the very structure of the music you were playing, so we ended up wandering into this nether land.

我们认为自己在质疑社会的基本结构 和你们演奏的音乐基本结构 所以我们最后沦落到了下层境地

5.Once the wormhole opens, the protons and the energy generated will break down our molecular structure, so we can pass through the wormhole, so we can get to our time destination with our molecular structure fully reconstructed.

虫洞一打开 质子及其产生的能量 就会打破人体分子结构 我们就可以穿过虫洞 到达时间目的地 我们的分子结构会在终点重组

6.No, as in the structure over the missouri.

不 就像横跨密苏里河的那种建筑

7.And I find that the structure helps me.


8.This structure is interfering with my sensor.


9.But when you had it like this, this is the same structure that you have when you’re iling.

但当我们叼起吸管时 我们嘴部的姿态 就与我们微笑时的姿态一样

10.We’ve got the chevrons, but there’s no structure to them.

虽然有人字波形 但毫无结构可言
