
abbr. 养地(Ocean Bottom);实况无线电广播(Outside Broadcasting);向船外(Out Board)

n. a major river of western Siberia; flows generally northward and westward to the Gulf of Ob and the Kara Sea


1.We’ve also passed out obs to all patrols.


2.We’ll just get your obs done, sweetheart.

我们刚为你的检查做好准备 宝贝

3.There were many times when they came in to do my obs and things like that.

有很多时候 他们进来观察我的体征什么的

4.You guys will be too terrified to do any real obs work.


5.Let’s lock down all exit roads in a onemile radius, put out all patrol obs on our suspect and find out whose house this is.

封锁一英里半径内的所有出路 向全体巡警发嫌疑人通告 并查下这房子是谁的
