
n. (美)(非正式)抢先占有土地者, 抢先而获得不正当利益的人

r. comparatives of `soon’ or `early’


1.The sooner you put that on, the sooner we’ll get there, and the sooner you’ll find out.

你越早把那个戴上 我们也能越早过去 你也能越早知道了

2.The sooner you do, the sooner we’ll be done.

你越快回答 我们就越快结束

3.The sooner you admit it, the sooner it’s over.

你越早承认 这事就越早结束

4.The sooner he’s gone… the sooner this is all over.

他越快离开 这一切就越快结束

5.The sooner we sterilize the needles, sooner we save the pilot, sooner we get home.

针头越快消完毒 飞行员越快得救 我们就能越早到家

6.The sooner you do, the sooner they can test you.

越早报警 他们就能越早检查你

7.The sooner we begin, the sooner we finish.

我们越早开始 就越早结束

8.sooner you get this done, the sooner I’m out of here.

你越快弄完 我越快离开这里

9.The sooner we clear, the sooner we plant.


10.The sooner we get this done, sooner we’re out of here.

我们越快搞定 就越早离开
