
n. 亚伯(男子名, 等于Abraham)


1.abe sort of absconded with this ledger.


2.abed, you were by the coffin for a long time.

阿布蒂 你站在棺材那里好久呢

3.abe is the only one who knows my secret.


4.abed, maybe you should order the special.

阿布蒂 或许你该点个特餐

5.abe, seriously, I have no idea what you’re talking about.

埃布 我真的不知道你在说什么

6.abe, we found this leaf near a body.

亚伯 我们在一具尸体旁发现这片叶子

7.abed, we’re all on your side, so if you’re also on your side, it’s petty.

阿布蒂 我们都支持你的 如果你也支持你自己 这么说就太小气了

8.abed, we’re not formulas, and if I had no selfawareness, I think I’d know.

阿布蒂 我们不是公式 如果我真没有自知自明 我应该知道的

9.abed, it’s a little embarrassing when you put it that way.

阿布蒂 你这么说让我有点尴尬

10.abe, he killed the conductor to prove I couldn’t die.

亚伯 他杀了调度员来证明我不会死
