
n. 贝琪(女子名, 等于Elizabeth)


1.Betsy has taken this research in a new direction.


2.Betsy, I can’t wait to try your homemade muffins.

贝特西 我简直等不及尝你做的松饼了

3.Betsy and I are interested in making a difference in this city.

我和贝琪很想 改变这个城市

4.Betsy’s famished, and I left the goats in the truck.

贝特西饿坏了 我把山羊留在卡车里了

5.Betsy, your gallbladder has to come out right away.

贝蒂 你必须马上做胆囊摘除手术

6.Betsy must have found a way to dispose of the soucouyant.


7.Betsy is working with the newest techniques in chimp research.


8.Betsy needs to keep their interest while she sorts out the computer.

贝琪要在搞定电脑程序的同时 保持他们对游戏的兴趣

9.It’s just I’m Betsy tough love, your mean friend.

我是在给你严厉的爱 我是你刻薄的朋友

10.Betsy’s niece had succumbed to an unconscious state that no physician could diagnose.

贝茜的侄女曾经一度陷入无意识昏迷 没有医师可以诊断
