
n. 饭盒;便当


1.But I left my tin lunchbox up there.


2.He simply grabs an empty lunchbox and heads here.


3.Acknowledge that lunchboxes are the most evolved form of food preservation.

承认午餐盒是食物储藏的 最先进形式

4.We’re also doing a board game, a lunchbox, and a campaign with a national taco chain.

我们还做了一款桌游 午餐盒 还和全国连锁玉米饼店联合推出产品

5.It’s what you used to ask for in your lunchbox every day, so I thought maybe your taste hasn’t changed too much.

你以前每天都要拿这些当午餐 我想或许你的口味没怎么变

6.You make lunchboxes at 3:00 am just so you can get another five minutes of sleep.

还要凌晨三点起床做午餐便当 只为能多睡五分钟

7.It’s just hard to laugh since the lunchbox is tied to the last words I ever said to you before you supposedly died.

只是一想起关于那个便当是你假死前 我和你说过的最后一句话 就很难笑出来

8.You wake up, you make breakfast, you write a funny note, put it in a lunchbox, you pay bills, you take a shower, you put some clean clothes on.

你起床 做早饭 写张搞笑的字条 把它放进午餐盒 你付账单 洗澡 穿上干净衣服

9.So, that computer, that is the size of just a lunchbox, is churning through trillions of calculations every second to make sure that this car knows where it is and finishes the race as quickly as possible, all while avoiding other competitors.

那台电脑只有一个午餐盒的大小 每秒钟都要进行数万亿次的计算 以确保车辆知道自己的位置 并以最快的速度结束比赛 同时避开其它比赛车辆
