
n. 高曼(姓氏)

n. United States anarchist (born in Russia) who opposed conscription; was deported to the Soviet Union in 1919 (1869-1940)


1.goldman also showed up for six other dealers.

在逮捕其他六个毒贩时 他也出现了

2.goldman had injuries on his hands, like he was defending himself.

戈德曼手上有伤 像是反抗的迹象

3.goldman left the restaurant just before 10:00.

戈德曼离开餐厅时 正好在10点前

4.goldman for five years as a tech yst, then he left to start his own company.

在高盛做了五年技术分析师 然后离职创办了自己的公司

5.goldman supposedly a pillar of the free market changed its banking status from investment to commercial.

高盛这间本应是自由市场顶梁柱的公司 把自己的性质从投资银行改成了商业银行
