
n. 精神;骄气


1.Which is why I don’t want to mess with the mickies any more than you guys do.

所以我也和你们一样 不想惹上那些火星佬

2.micky? I told you never to call me that.

小米 我跟你说了别那样叫我

3.micky needs some pace on the gallops. I promised him.

米奇要用新马做对比训练 我答应过他的

4.micky asked if he could sit on my lap so I could feel his wood.

米基问我他能不能坐在我的腿上 我好摸摸他的”木头”

5.micky and I have fun with other passengers, but we never meant to offend anyone.

米基和我会跟其他乘客开玩笑 但我们并非有意冒犯别人

6.micky and I finally started using those miles to travel the world.

我和米基终于可以开始用这些里程数 来周游世界了

7.You know, for a badass mickie navy boy, you’re a pretty whiny little bitch.

作为一个凶狠的火星舰队小丑 你可真是个爱抱怨的小姑娘
