
n. 雪莉(女子名)

n. The bullfinch.


1.shirley, do me a favor, stay out of it.

雪莉 帮帮忙 别管这事儿

2.shirley! I wasn’t sure if you were coming.

谢丽 我先前都不确定你会不会来

3.shirley, I can hear what you’re saying.

雪瑞 我全都能听到好吗

4.shirley, thanks so much for pushing this through.

雪莉 多谢你帮我申请到了

5.shirley opened the mail. I’ll get her.

信是雪莉拆的 我去叫她

6.shirley, you’re not gonna believe this, but I walked to work today.

雪莉 你不会相信的 我今天是步行来上班的

7.shirley secretly ate a street vendor’s hot dog.


8.shirley could get us back on formula, but I don’t see it turning us around.

雪瑞会让我们回归公式化 但我觉得依然无法挽回大局
