
n. (Buenos)人名;(西)布埃诺斯


1.If this is a pep talk, it’s no bueno.

如果你是要鼓励我 这可不太行

2.Carmen, qua bueno? I was looking for you.

卡门 好吗 我在找你

3.You’re right, we need to be on the same page here, which is that this is no bueno.

你说得对 我们需要达成共识 这样 是不对的

4.Well, good, bueno, because you are a go.

很好 好得很 因为你马上就要滚

5.I mean, I tried to get a bead on him, and no bueno.

我尝试了找他 但毫无结果

6.Otherwise, she’ll be haunted by those songs, which we’ve learned is no bueno.

否则的话 这些歌会一直缠着她 而且那可不妙

7.I mean, I learned how to say Buenos dias for nothing.

我都学会说法语的你好了 都没派上用场

8.I did the systems check on the state of the array, as requested, and the solar panels are no bueno.

按照要求 我检查了系统阵列的状态 太阳能板坏了

9.Bueno, um, I’m just going to empty your waste paper basket and then I’ll get out of your way.

好啦 我清空一下你的废纸篓 然后我就不打扰你了
