
n. 钞票, 手铐

n. A plasterer’s float, having two handles; — used in
smoothing ceilings, etc.


1.darby doesn’t know it yet, but her person is out there.

达比还不知道 但那个人在等着她

2.darby, I’m an accent wall. I hate you.

达比 我就是面特色墙 我恨你

3.darby, this is way too much sriracha.

达比 是拉差辣椒酱放太多了

4.darby, you know that my life would be horrible or over if it wasn’t for you.

达比 你知道要是没有你的话 我的生活会变得很糟或者早结束了

5.But he can’t sing because he’s got a bit of darby trouble.


6.darby, your relationship is making my pants tight.

达比 你的感情让我好激动

7.darby, therapy really only works if you’re willing to open up to me.

达比 心理诊疗只有在你 愿意跟我敞开心扉时 才有效

8.darby didn’t know it yet, but this was her person and would be for what remained of her days.

达比当时还不知道 但这就是她的真命天子 会陪她走完一生

9.darby was almost able to form a thought that was entirely her own.

达比差一点就能 有一个完全属于自己的想法了

10.darby killed that family long before we even knew his name.

在我们查出他的名字前 达比就已经杀了那家人
