
n. 绷带
vt. 用绷带包扎

s. covered or wrapped with a bandage


1.If he believed he would live longer if his wounds were dressed in green bandages, then we give him green bandages.

如果他认为给他用 全棉绷带包扎伤口可以让他活得更久 那我们就要给他用全棉绷带

2.He had a bandage, but it was bloody.

贴了一块胶布 可还是血淋淋的

3.We saw your bandage and that’s why we were afraid of.

我们那会看见你的绷带 所以才怕的

4.Take those bandages off in a few days.


5.This has to be washed out and the bandage changed.


6.She could bandage herself and still be ambulatory.

她可以给自己包扎 还可以有移动性

7.These bandages are the death of all nuance.


8.That bandage wouldn’t look out of place in a cartoon.


9.Only because she had a, a bandage on her chest and she wouldn’t tell me what happened to her.

那是因为她胸口上贴了创口贴 还不愿告诉我是怎么回事

10.We just have to do it quickly, rip off the bandage.

我们要动作快 扯掉绷带
