
n. 维姬(女子名)


1.vicky, it’s not as open and shut as that.

维姬 事情没有那么简单

2.vicky, legally, you can’t be here when we question your exhu and.

薇姬 从法律上讲 我们问讯你前夫时你是不能在场的

3.vicky, let’s look at the big picture here.

薇琪 我们着眼一下大局吧

4.Vicki, we’ve really need to have a talk.

维琪 我们真的需要好好聊聊

5.vicky was wearing the jacket the night she died.

维姬去世的那晚 穿的就是这件夹克衫

6.Vickie worked nights, and I had class most days.

小维晚上工作 我大部分时间都有课

7.vicky, you were already a star without us.

维姬 你已经是个明星了 不需要我们

8.vicky, I hate to cut you off, but the show is about to start.

维姬 不想打断你 但是表演要开始了

9.vicky showed up, told me the whole story.

维姬回来了 把来龙去脉告诉我了

10.vicky, I think you know that I would start where you would start with your exhu and.

薇姬 我想你知道 我会从你会选择的地方着手 你的前夫
