
a. 私人的, 秘密的, 私立的, 隐蔽的
n. 士兵, 隐士, 阴部
[计] 私人的

n. an enlisted man of the lowest rank in the Army or Marines
a. confined to particular persons or groups or providing privacy
s. concerning things deeply private and personal


1.It’s private? I didn’t mean private.

隐私吗 我不是那个意思

2.It’s in a private place, a very private place.

在一个隐秘之所 非常隐秘

3.This is a private conversation in a private room.


4.A private heartbreak should remain that private.

一个人的心碎悲伤 就应该让它保持这样

5.We have a private plot; it would be a private ceremony.

我们会私人承办 只是亲人参加的仪式

6.It would have to be a private matter a private understanding.

会像一个秘密一样 是一项秘密契约

7.You’ll land on a private strip on private land.

你会进行私人旅游 在私人领地上
