
abbr. 扩散器(diffuser);[数]微分;差速器(differential)


1.I looked at the diff; it was synovitis.

看到了区别 他是滑膜炎

2.The central diff, for example it just locked for me then.

比如说 中央限速器 已经为我自动锁定了

3.And it has snazzy diffs and a clever tractioncontrol system.

还有一个时髦的差速器 以及一个很智能的牵引力控制系统

4.And a stronger rear diff to handle the torque.


5.Gentle now, letting the torquevectoring diff do its thing.

小心点 让扭矩控制差速器来解决问题

6.But now it’s diff… I don’t know why that would be the case at all, but that’s cool I respect the decision for her to come over.

但现在不一… 我也不知道 为什么会这样 但挺好的 我尊重她要过来的决定

7.The guys on the team were the real studs, but without their equipment, hey, maybe a diff story.

我手下的队员都是精兵强将 但要是没有他们的装备 或许就是另一个结果了
