
n. 顷刻, 瞬间, 函购, 邮购, 军医, 军医主任, 汇票, 邮政汇票
[化] 分子轨道

n an indefinitely short time
n a polyvalent metallic element that resembles chromium and tungsten in its properties; used to strengthen and harden steel
n a midwestern state in central United States; a border state during the American Civil War, Missouri was admitted to the Confederacy without actually seceding from the Union


1.Well, evidently they both bring in mo’ money, mo’ money, mo’ money.

显然这两者都可以 招来大把的钱啊钱啊钱啊钱’ points, mo’ problems, that’s what I always say.

积分越多 问题越多 我总这么说

3.Biggie called it mo money, mo problems.

歌早就唱过了 没钱没烦恼

4.And, honey, you don’t want to be married to a big ‘mo, or in this case, a little ‘mo.

亲爱的 你不会想嫁给一个大基佬的 或在这个情况下 一个小基佬, but maybe if it was fully rendered.


6.And here, you’re so cold mo nighean donn.

你的手怎么这么冰 我的爱人 is a piece of shit, and he’s not your friend.

老蒙就是一个 而且他也不是你的朋友 should always drive. It was an accident.

莫应该多开车 刚刚是个意外, yeah, yeah, yeah, no, he’s down.

莫 对对 他最近心情不好

10.Number one, they miss, mo’ candy for me.

首先 他们没进 我就有更多糖吃
