
a. 完整的;完全的

s. (of a marriage) completed by the first act of sexual intercourse after the ceremony
s. caught


1.It’s so strange, I feel so completely…completely happy.

好奇怪啊 我觉得好幸福

2.Someone who I could be completely honest with because I know she would be completely honest with me.

一个我能坦诚相待的人 因为我知道她也会对我坦诚相待

3.No, not at all. It’s completely up to you.

不 完全没有 这完全取决于您

4.I’m over him. I’m so completely over him.

我对他没感觉了 我对他完全没感觉了

5.Okay, just doesn’t sound like “completely” completely.

好吧 听起来不像是完全地完全

6.It’s… It is. It so completely is.

这真是 没错 完全就是

7.Man, I can’t tell if you did college completely wrong or completely right.

我真不知道 你的大学生活是完全弄错了 还是弄对了

8.But to be completely fair, to be completely honest, we changed each other’s lives, as we were fated to do.

但是公平的说 诚实的说 是我们都改变了对方的命运 这是我们命中注定的

9.Ali, it’s a completely different part of the plumbing, and it ells completely differently.

艾丽 那是出自完全不同的管道 而且味道也完全不同

10.Completely fool everyone and keep your real intentions completely anonymous.

骗过所有人 并将你的真实意图完全保持在匿名状态
