
n. 黄蜂, 胡蜂, 易怒的人, 刻毒的人
[医] 胡蜂, 黄蜂

n. a white person of Anglo-Saxon ancestry who belongs to a Protestant denomination
n. social or solitary hymenopterans typically having a slender body with the abdomen attached by a narrow stalk and having a formidable sting


1.I have to tinkle, and there’s a wasp in mine.

我想嘘嘘 可是我家厕所里有胡蜂

2.You’re afraid, and the wasp was afraid.

你在害怕 黄蜂也在害怕

3.There are no such things as giant wasps.


4.Tell me there’s a wasp here and buhbye.


5.And wasps are more aggressive, more dangerous.

黄蜂更具攻击性 更危险

6.You were mean as a mama wasp out there.


7.If you prefer, think of it as an insect, a wasp.

如果你愿意 可以把它想象成一种昆虫 比如黄蜂

8.This moth, for example, is mimicking a wasp.

比如这只蛾子 它把自己伪装成黄蜂

9.So, the wasps are picking up on the communication between the aphids.

他们正在识别 蚜虫之间的交流

10.Nervous. I’ve seen what those wasps can do.

很紧张 我见过这些黄蜂能做出什么
