
n. 大街, 途径, 林荫大道

n. An ave Maria.
n. A reverential salutation.


1.Wait, if she hates the “manc aves,” we need to lure her to the biggest, stupidest “manc ave” we can find.

等等 如果她憎恶”南银窝” 我们得把她 引到我们能找到的最大最蠢的”南银窝”

2.There’s no reason why we can’t ‘ave ourselves a picnic.


3.That’s your only complaint? I ‘ave no complaints.

这是你唯一的抱怨 我没有抱怨

4.As we did fear, they’ll ‘ave none of it.

和我們擔心的一樣 他們都不要這個

5.He’s crossing the 1200 block of rucka ave.


6.Yeah, we built her to hate the “manc ave”.


7.We started this thinking we needed a “manc ave” to fill a gaping hole inside of us.

我们当初想 我们需要一个”南银窝” 来填补内心的缺憾

8.This angry wife subroutine must be a side effect of your anti”manc ave” programming.

这个愤怒的主妇子程序一定是你 反”南银窝”程序的副反应

9.Maybe I need to better my readin’, since it seems th’ school shall ‘ave need o’ me.

那或許該加強我的閱讀能力了 因為學校會需要我去幫忙了

10.Now everybody just sit back, grab a cold one, and let the awesomeness of the “manc ave” wash over them.

现在大家坐下 来瓶冰1 让”南银窝”的洪大幸福降临吧
