v. 禁止, 被禁止的(prohibite的过去分词形式)
v command against
s excluded from use or mention
s forbidden by law
1.Your covenants prohibits you from doing that.
2.It is only strictly prohibited if you are married, which you are not.
只有 才被明令禁止在同一队 但你们不是
3.And they’re prohibitive, to say the least.
毫不夸张地说 这价钱高的惊人
4.It’s a passageway from the prohibition days.
5.To haul liquor up and down during prohibition.
这是在禁酒期间 用来运酒的
6.And you’ve been blackbooked, meaning you’re prohibited.
你已经进了黑名单 意思是你不能进去
7.I can’t answer them. I’m prohibited by law.
我不能回答他们 法律禁止我这么做
8.It’s like the wild west or prohibition all over again.
9.But it would not prohibit him from answering yes or no if we guess.
但要是我们猜 你回答是或不是 就行了吧
10.They’re prohibitively expensive if they can be found at all.