
n. 加百利(<>中七大天使之一)

n. (Bible) the archangel who was the messenger of God


1.Gabriel, you’ve thrown up all over yourself.

加百列 你吐得渾身都是

2.Gabriel, when he told me that you were an acolyte.

加百列 当他告诉我你是天使信徒的时候

3.Gabriel, you have to dig yourself out of this hole.

加百利 你得自己从坑里爬出来

4.Gabriel’s too art to fall for that.

加布里尔那么聪明 才不可能上当

5.Gabriel, I’ve been very clear about what I want.

加布里尔 我很清楚我想要什么

6.Gabriel has been on the outs for so long.


7.Gabriel, the parameters of this operation have been satisfied.

加布里尔 任务已经达到既定要求

8.Gabriel chose you to be his sacred one.


9.Gabriel, there is a reason that we have surveillance in that room.

加布里尔 我们在那间屋子里 装摄像头是有原因的

10.Gabriel may have popped up on the grid.

