
n. 沃里克(英国英格兰中部沃里克郡城市);沃里克(美国罗德岛州东部城市, 为纺织业中心);沃里克(姓氏)

n. English statesman; during the War of the Roses he fought first for the house of York and secured the throne for Edward IV and then changed sides to fight for the house of Lancaster and secured the throne for Henry VI (1428-1471)


1.warwick, this is some post to us or thee.

华威 似乎是我或你的信件

2.warwick may live to be the best of all.


3.warwick has no men here, they’re gathering for the battle.

沃里克没在这里安插人 他们都集结迎战去了

4.warwick has refused his daughters to me, mother.

沃里克没让他女儿进宫 母亲

5.warwick is in the north raising men for me as we speak.


6.warwick let me out for exercise, so he could save his pride.

沃里克说是放我出来活动 想留点面子

7.warwick, wert thou as we are we might recover all our loss again.

华威 你若如我们一般正值壮年 我们还有望反败为胜

8.warwick, as ourself, shall do and undo as him pleaseth best.

华威 同我一样 处理一切皆可便宜行事

9.warwick has already ordered our lady grandmother’s arrest.


10.warwick immediately lowered his weapon, and told them to release me.

沃里克立刻放下了剑 并吩咐手下放了我
