
vt. 装饰, 使生色

v make more attractive by adding ornament, colour, etc.
v be beautiful to look at
v furnish with power or authority; of kings or emperors


1.His face is so beautiful, it needs no adornment.

他的脸太可爱了 不需要其他装饰

2.Their philosophy was all about rejecting unnecessary adornment.


3.It’s to fasten her swaddling and adorn her as she grows.

这个可以用来系她的襁褓 长大了给她做饰品

4.Religious patterns and symbols adorn the walls.


5.She’ll adorn your arm by day and treasure you at night.

她白天出得厅堂 晚上共赴云雨

6.I’ll turn you into a living pendant to adorn my chest.

我要把你变成活吊坠 挂在我的胸前

7.His work adorns gallery walls and magazine pages.


8.Women and men have been adorning themselves since the dawn of time.

女人和男人从最初就在 装饰自己

9.Their heroic faces now adorn every flotbart on the planet.


10.I’m grateful for these years that you have adorned the chest of the most magnificent woman in the world.

我也感谢这么多年来 你一直致力于装饰着 这世上最高贵艳丽的女士的胸膛
