
n. 兽性, 兽行, 兽欲
[法] 兽奸, 兽性, 兽行

n. the stupid brutal quality of a beast
n. sexual activity between a person and an animal


1.But it’s still considered worse than bestiality.

但是这情况还是比 更严重

2.And if he commits bestiality, it is more than 200 pieces.

如果是和同性 就得交两百多金币

3.For all the bestiality, it’s a fully human act, I think.

看多了兽行 这已经算很人性的了

4.Whilst in their care, they are exposed to this bestial horror.


5.I have lost the immortal part of myself, and what remains is bestial.

这不朽的部分已经失去 剩下的就只有

6.In the desert I saw a creature naked, bestial.

在沙漠里我看到了一个生物 赤身裸体 充满

7.Whatever power you held over me at the moment of my bestial creation is gone.

你残忍地创造出我时 对我拥有的控制权 都已不复存在了

8.Well, I did have a polyamory clause in my deal tonight, but now I have to add a bestiality clause.

我今晚的谈判里确实有一条多元之爱条款 但我现在得加上 条款
