n. 托德(姓氏, 英国化学家, 曾获1957年诺贝尔化学奖)
n. Scottish chemist noted for his research into the structure of nucleic acids (born in 1907)
n. fictional character in a play by George Pitt; a barber who murdered his customers
1.todd, this is no time for a relapse.
陶德 你现在游戏瘾可不能复发啊
2.todd, I don’t think you’re thinking this through.
托德 我觉得你还没想清楚
3.todd, we have a honeymoon to get to.
陶德 我们还要去度蜜月呢
4.todd, I’m not going to do you, don’t worry.
陶德 我不会杀你的 别担心
5.todd was wondering what you did for work.
6.todd, I like how gentle you are with that toy.
托德 我好喜欢你这样爱惜玩具
7.todd, you should be up a magician’s sleeve because you are a card.
陶德 你就该被藏在魔术师的袖子里 因为你实在太搞笑了[是一张牌]
8.todd, so we’ve been together for months now.
陶德 我们在一起好几个月了
9.todd, there’s really no need to be in such a rush.
托德 你真的没必要这么着急
10.todd, we were dating in high school.
陶德 我们高中时在交往