
n. 图尔斯(姓氏);图尔市(法国城市名)

n. an industrial city in western France on the Loire River


1.I was just offering. is what you do on a college tour because you’re touring colleges.

我是好意 …住在宿舍 因为这才是参观大学该干的事

2.My sister, not only does she work hard on tour, she likes to play hard on tour.

我妹妹 为了巡回演唱会不只工作很辛苦 玩得也很尽兴

3.It is traditional to give a special tour guide a tip at the end of the tour.

根据传统 游览结束时应该给特别导游小费

4.How was the tour? It was thorough.

探索得怎么样 全转过了

5.No, no, no, no. I have to stay with the tour.

不用 不用 我必須繼續巡演

6.Me too, I’m excited to be on tour with you.

我也是 要和你一起巡演我很激动

7.I’m not sending you on tour, so don’t worry.

我不会让你去巡演的 别担心

8.But if artists don’t tour, they don’t eat.

但如果艺人不巡演 她们就没饭吃了

9.I did a couple tours in the sequel myself.


10.Unfortunately, I can’t find a tour for her.

很可惜 沒法給她找到可開場的巡演
