
interj. 再见, 再会
n. 告别, 辞别

n. a farewell remark


1.Then, adieu, adieu, farting is such sweet sorrow.

那么再见 再见 放屁是如此甜蜜的悲伤

2.I will take that pen and bid you adieu.


3.You will have to go through the new car, for this where I bid you adieu.

是你们 我要和你们道别了

4.So, ladies, it is now time for mama to go get some meat, so I’ll bid you adieu.

女士们 是时候老娘去找乐子了 告辞了

5.Now without further adieu, it’s my very great pleasure to introduce to you this years guest of honor.

闲话少说 现在我很荣幸的 向你们介绍今年到场的贵宾

6.Now, I’m not suggesting we be motivated by anything as vulgar as an enormous finder’s fee, but I just thought you might like to bid adieu to our 17th straight month of winter and join me in sunnier climes for a week.

倒不是說我們去找這艘船 是為了其巨額懸賞 我只是想你也許愿意 和這里第十七個寒冬告別 和我一起到暖和的地方待一周
