
vt. 借, 借入, 借用
vi. 借
[计] 借位; 借位数

v. get temporarily


1.I borrowed it! I borrowed a kid’s bike.

那是借的 我借了一个小孩的自行车

2.Now, you said you borrowed it, but you didn’t say whether they knew you borrowed it.

你说你是借的 但是你没说他们是否知道你是借的

3.Tell you what, you can borrow the dress and the shoes if I can borrow your boyfriend.

这样吧 如果你把你的男朋友借给我 我就借你裙子和鞋子

4.A loan that ain’t got nothing to do with profit on the other end, because you not borrowing from a corporation, you not borrowing from no bank.

这笔贷款完全不关乎另一方的利益 因为你不是在向企业借钱 也不是在向银行借钱

5.In other words, this universe is literally not big enough for the both of us, and the longer we coexist in this world, the more we’re living on borrowed time except we’re borrowing it from each other.

换句话说 这个宇宙太小 容不下我们两个人 我们在这个世界共存得越久 就越依赖借来的时间 只是我们是在互相借用对方的时间

6.No, we’re borrowing it from the neighbors.

不 只是向邻居借用一下

7.And they are not that happy that I borrowed it.

对于我的借用 他们不太高兴

8.We’ve all been here on borrowed time.


9.Couldn’t you borrow against that? I’ve tried before.

谁不会借你呢 我试过了

10.Technically, I was borrowing it from you.

嚴格來說 我是從你那里借來的
