
n. 凯茜(女子名)


1.cathy says that I’ve ruined her hen do.


2.cathy will negotiate on my behalf. I don’t trust her on this.

凯茜会代表我谈判 在这事上我不信任她

3.cathy says the Israelis want to send in their own team.


4.cathy, I know how much you want this, how hard you’ve worked for it, but this isn’t the way you want it.

凯西 我知道你有多么想要这个 你为此多么努力工作 但你不会想用这种方式得到的

5.cathy’s an animal lover, see, but she doesn’t just like regular doggies and birdies.

凯茜是一个动物爱好者 但她不喜欢普通的小狗和小鸟

6.cathy, we really need to get our skates on, otherwise we’re going to miss the speeches.

凯茜 我们真的要赶快回去了 否则我们会错过致辞

7.cathy looks just great in handdyed, original buttondown front in a full circle dress.

凯西穿着这件手工染制的 纽扣领口设计的 服饰看起来很好看

8.cathy needs to identify the problems steve has with speaking before she can link them back to the precise areas in his brain.

凯茜要找出史蒂夫失语问题的所在 进而找到大脑中与之对应的受损部位

9.cathy really wants to do something joint with me, you know, because we’ve only just found one another, and it’s our first birthday without dad.

凯茜很想跟我一起过生日 因为我们刚刚相认 而且这是爸爸去世后我们的第一个生日
