
n. 红鹤, 火烈鸟

n. large pink to scarlet web-footed wading bird with down-bent bill; inhabits brackish lakes


1.Yeah, and a monkey riding a flamingo.

是啊 还有骑着火烈鸟的猴子

2.The keys are buried right behind that flamingo thing there.


3.You cannot keep a kid in jail for two days for flamingoing.


4….helping him cut up coconuts so he can handfeed them to the flamingos.

她们帮他剥椰子 所以他可以用手来喂火烈鸟

5.The last time I ran was when I punched that flamingo at busch gardens.

我上一次跑步 是因为在布希公园打了火烈鸟一拳

6.Well, maybe she needed the cash to fund her flamingo army.


7.Honestly, I don’t understand why putting flamingos in someone’s yard is fun.

说实话 我不懂 在别人草坪插满火烈鸟有何乐趣

8.but only the first of the trials that will be imposed on these flamingos by the irregularity of the rains.

但由于降水不规律 这只是火烈鸟要面临的 最初的挑战而已

9.The algae that the flamingos feed on have lain dormant as spores in the dust.

火烈鸟赖以生存的藻类 现在仍是孢子 在尘土中休眠
