
n. 王室, 皇族
a. 王室的, 皇家的, 盛大的, 庄严的

n. a sail set next above the topgallant on a royal mast
n. stag with antlers of 12 or more branches
a. of or relating to or indicative of or issued or performed by a king or queen or other monarch
a. established or chartered or authorized by royalty


1.We watch everything royal deaths, royal weddings, even royal births.

一切我们都看在眼里 皇室成员去世 皇室婚礼 甚至皇室的出生

2.I remember. I was a royal prince from a royal house.

我记得 我是皇室的王子

3.The regular royal florists have the essential practical skills needed to make a royal wedding bouquet.

制作王室婚礼捧花 是普通王室花匠 必须具备的技能

4.I can’t be what you want me to be. I can’t be a royal.

我成不了你们想让我成为的人 我当不了王室成员

5.You didn’t know she was working for the royals, but you should have.

你当初并不知道她是皇室的人 但你应该知道

6.For a royal, there’s no such thing as safety.

对皇室成员来说 根本没有安全可言

7.He’s a royal prick. I’ll talk to him.

他是个 我会和他谈谈的

8.You don’t know the royals like I do.


9.You are of the royal birth. It is the custom.

你有皇室血统 这是传统

10.But the royal bordello is more my style.

