
n. 傀儡, 假人, 仿制品
a. 虚设的, 假的, 名义上的

n. a person who does not talk
n. a figure representing the human form
v. make a dummy of
s. having the appearance of being real but lacking capacity to function


1.Come to think of it, that dummy had a dummy.

仔细想想 那个笨蛋有个笨蛋[木偶]

2.You don’t have to do any more of those dummy chores.


3.Sorry, I’m not here for that, dummy.

抱歉 我是来办正事的 笨蛋

4.What don’t I understand is the bait with the dummy.


5.So she’d not rat out you dummies for tying her up.


6.You can’t be in her room before the prom, dummy.

你不能在毕业舞会前就到她屋里来 傻小子

7.He’s trying to be your friend, dummy.

他是在试图当你的朋友 傻瓜

8.Forget them. I’m the dummy I’m worried about.

别管他们 我担心的笨蛋是我自己

9.I’m not speeddating you, dummy. I’m here to coach you.

我不是闪约你 傻子 我是来指导你的

10.No, dummy, that’s exactly what this means.

不 笨蛋 文件里就是这个意思
