n. 箍, 铁环, 呼呼声
vt. 加箍于, 包围
vi. 发呼呼声
n. a light curved skeleton to spread out a skirt
n. a rigid circular band of metal or wood or other material used for holding or fastening or hanging or pulling
v. bind or fasten with a hoop
1.We wouldn’t have to jump through hoops.
2.No, I’m not a monkey to be jumping through hoops.
不行 我可不是钻圈演杂耍的猴子
3.You wouldn’t believe the hoops we’ve had to jump through.
4.I never would have jumped through all those hoops for you.
5.He can’t hoop or do a skateboard if he’s dead.
要是他死了 就没法投篮或者耍滑板了
6.The point is, I shouldn’t have to jump through hoops.
問題是 我本不該被刁難
7.I jumped through so many hoops to do this for you.
我为了帮你 绕了这么多弯
8.It’s the green house with a hoop in front.
9.We got a real “whose hoops” over here.
10.You had me jumping through hoops for your endorsement when you knew.
你让我为了你的支持百依百顺 而你本知道自己就要竞选了