
n. 玉蜀黍, 谷类, 谷粒, 鸡眼
vt. 使成颗粒, 腌

n. tall annual cereal grass bearing kernels on large ears: widely cultivated in America in many varieties; the principal cereal in Mexico and Central and South America since pre-Columbian times
n. the dried grains or kernels or corn used as animal feed or ground for meal
n. ears of corn that can be prepared and served for human food
n. a hard thickening of the skin (especially on the top or sides of the toes) caused by the pressure of ill-fitting shoes


1.Extra lean corn beef on rye and corn chips.

黑麦面包夹特精咸牛肉 配上玉米片

2.By stacking the candy corn kernels, it actually resembles a corn cob.

把玉米粒糖叠起来 样子像玉米棒

3.Though as far as I can tell, this corn dog contains neither corn nor dog.

不过在我看来 这个玉米热狗里既没有玉米也没有狗

4.If you think about corn and you think about all the time that it took to become corn, it’s just a pity that in the last 60, 70 years, we can destroy all that knowledge.

每当想到玉米 就能想到玉米成熟 所花费的漫长时间 遗憾的是 在过去六七十年里 我们可能毁掉了所有这些智慧

5.At the moment, we enjoying some corn.

此时此刻 我们正在享用玉米

6.Don’t ruin the corn on the cob for me.


7.Might have to hide myself in that corn.


8.but this isn’t about water, or corn, or soil samples.

但这不是为了水源 或者玉米 或者土壤样本

9.That’s a load of bull corn and you know it.

那真是一派胡言 你自己也心里清楚

10.I’d slap your mamma for some caramel corn.

我愿为了焦糖爆米花扇 耳光
