
n. 酿造酒, 酝酿
v. 酿造, 酝酿

n. drink made by steeping and boiling and fermenting rather than distilling
v. prepare by brewing
v. sit or let sit in boiling water so as to extract the flavor


1.Not with all the trouble that’s brewing over there.


2.A lawsuit was brewing against my plant.


3.I’ve been brewing that line for weeks.


4.We’ll have a brew and then we’ll head for the river.

我們來喝杯茶 然后往河邊走

5.And while that brews, we steam the milk.

在萃取咖啡时 打发一下牛奶

6.Excuse me, as I brewed and hairflip.

不好意思 我要一边酝酿 一边甩头发了

7.I assume it’s to apologize, so I brewed some tea.

我猜是来道歉的 所以我泡了茶

8.That way you wake up, it’s already brewed.


9.No, this is a twoweek supply of my home brew.

不是 这是我供应为期两周的家酿酒

10.And with a storm brewing, he’s totally exposed.

风暴正在酝酿 而他完全暴露在其中
