


今天给大家分享的是 Around the World in 80 Days 的英文动画、音频、绘本、Quiz和单词表,故事跌宕起伏,经典科幻剧情再现,让孩子跟着主人公一起环游地球一周,领略沿途各种风情,在家也能探索世界!






Train tracks first appeared in Europe in the 1500s, but the “train” was a wagon pulled along the track by horses.  火车轨道最早出现在16世纪的欧洲,但“火车”是一辆马车,由马拉着沿着轨道行驶。

The three most important crops in India are coffee, indigo, and tea. Tea is especially important. 印度最重要的三种作物是咖啡、靛蓝和茶。茶尤其重要。

Can you see the lines that run across the globe east to west? They are called lines of latitude. 你能看到从东到西横贯全球的线路吗?它们被称为纬度线。






├─ 6.测试
│ ├─ 11.Around the World in 80 Days-quiz.pdf [165.07kB]
├─ 5.PDF单词表
│ ├─ 11.Around the World in 80 Days-words.pdf [1.04MB]
├─ 4.Word原文
│ ├─ Around the World in 80 Days 原文.docx [184.68kB]
├─ 3.制作故事书
│ ├─ 029_Around the World in 80 Days 29_The Wager Won.pdf [5.97MB]
│ ├─ 028_Around the World in 80 Days 28_At Home in London.pdf [5.41MB]
│ ├─ 027_Around the World in 80 Days 27_Captain Fogg.pdf [5.52MB]
│ ├─ 026_Around the World in 80 Days 26_Across the Atlantic.pdf [6.29MB]
│ ├─ 025_Around the World in 80 Days 25_To Omaha.pdf [5.37MB]
│ ├─ 024_Around the World in 80 Days 24_The Rescue.pdf [6.42MB]
│ ├─ 023_Around the World in 80 Days 23_The Duel.pdf [5.47MB]
│ ├─ 022_Around the World in 80 Days 22_The Train to New York.pdf [5.89MB]
│ ├─ 021_Around the World in 80 Days 21_To San Francisco.pdf [7.30MB]
│ ├─ 020_Around the World in 80 Days 20_The Circus.pdf [7.34MB]
│ ├─ 019_Around the World in 80 Days 19_Passepartout's Adventures.pdf [5.27MB]
│ ├─ 018_Around the World in 80 Days 18_The Tankadere.pdf [5.56MB]
│ ├─ 017_Around the World in 80 Days 17_In Search of a Ship.pdf [7.24MB]
│ ├─ 016_Around the World in 80 Days 16_In Hong Kong.pdf [7.04MB]
│ ├─ 015_Around the World in 80 Days 15_To Hong Kong.pdf [4.89MB]
│ ├─ 014_Around the World in 80 Days 14_The Rangoon.pdf [4.95MB]
│ ├─ 013_Around the World in 80 Days 13_Before the Judge.pdf [6.47MB]
│ ├─ 012_Around the World in 80 Days 12_To Calcutta.pdf [6.41MB]
│ ├─ 011_Around the World in 80 Days 11_The Rescue.pdf [8.03MB]
│ ├─ 010_Around the World in 80 Days 10_To Allahabad.pdf [6.64MB]
│ ├─ 009_Around the World in 80 Days 9_The End of the Line.pdf [5.88MB]
│ ├─ 008_Around the World in 80 Days 8_In Bombay.pdf [5.14MB]
│ ├─ 007_Around the World in 80 Days 7_The Mongolia.pdf [4.87MB]
│ ├─ 006_Around the World in 80 Days 6_Passports and Visas.pdf [5.01MB]
│ ├─ 005_Around the World in 80 Days 5_The Suez.pdf [5.48MB]
│ ├─ 004_Around the World in 80 Days 4_At the Station.pdf [4.94MB]
│ ├─ 003_Around the World in 80 Days 3_The Journey Begins.pdf [4.99MB]
│ ├─ 002_Around the World in 80 Days 2_The Wager.pdf [5.37MB]
│ ├─ 001_Around the World in 80 Days 1_London, England, 1872.pdf [4.27MB]
├─ 2.MP3
│ ├─ 029_Around the World in 80 Days 29_The Wager Won.mp3 [6.78MB]
│ ├─ 028_Around the World in 80 Days 28_At Home in London.mp3 [5.96MB]
│ ├─ 027_Around the World in 80 Days 27_Captain Fogg.mp3 [6.50MB]
│ ├─ 026_Around the World in 80 Days 26_Across the Atlantic.mp3 [6.60MB]
│ ├─ 025_Around the World in 80 Days 25_To Omaha.mp3 [5.99MB]
│ ├─ 024_Around the World in 80 Days 24_The Rescue.mp3 [6.24MB]
│ ├─ 023_Around the World in 80 Days 23_The Duel.mp3 [6.62MB]
│ ├─ 022_Around the World in 80 Days 22_The Train to New York.mp3 [6.76MB]
│ ├─ 021_Around the World in 80 Days 21_To San Francisco.mp3 [6.87MB]
│ ├─ 020_Around the World in 80 Days 20_The Circus.mp3 [6.60MB]
│ ├─ 019_Around the World in 80 Days 19_Passepartout's Adventures.mp3 [6.03MB]
│ ├─ 018_Around the World in 80 Days 18_The Tankadere.mp3 [11.92MB]
│ ├─ 017_Around the World in 80 Days 17_In Search of a Ship.mp3 [6.59MB]
│ ├─ 016_Around the World in 80 Days 16_In Hong Kong.mp3 [7.15MB]
│ ├─ 015_Around the World in 80 Days 15_To Hong Kong.mp3 [7.02MB]
│ ├─ 014_Around the World in 80 Days 14_The Rangoon.mp3 [6.30MB]
│ ├─ 013_Around the World in 80 Days 13_Before the Judge.mp3 [7.00MB]
│ ├─ 012_Around the World in 80 Days 12_To Calcutta.mp3 [6.60MB]
│ ├─ 011_Around the World in 80 Days 11_The Rescue.mp3 [12.74MB]
│ ├─ 010_Around the World in 80 Days 10_To Allahabad.mp3 [7.07MB]
│ ├─ 009_Around the World in 80 Days 9_The End of the Line.mp3 [6.87MB]
│ ├─ 008_Around the World in 80 Days 8_In Bombay.mp3 [6.10MB]
│ ├─ 007_Around the World in 80 Days 7_The Mongolia.mp3 [6.64MB]
│ ├─ 006_Around the World in 80 Days 6_Passports and Visas.mp3 [6.28MB]
│ ├─ 005_Around the World in 80 Days 5_The Suez.mp3 [6.66MB]
│ ├─ 004_Around the World in 80 Days 4_At the Station.mp3 [6.19MB]
│ ├─ 003_Around the World in 80 Days 3_The Journey Begins.mp3 [6.01MB]
│ ├─ 002_Around the World in 80 Days 2_The Wager.mp3 [6.32MB]
│ ├─ 001_Around the World in 80 Days 1_London, England, 1872.mp3 [6.78MB]
├─ 1.动画
│ ├─ 029_Around the World in 80 Days 29_The Wager Won.srt [8.49kB]
│ ├─ 029_Around the World in 80 Days 29_The Wager Won.mp4 [46.49MB]
│ ├─ 028_Around the World in 80 Days 28_At Home in London.srt [7.64kB]
│ ├─ 028_Around the World in 80 Days 28_At Home in London.mp4 [35.47MB]
│ ├─ 027_Around the World in 80 Days 27_Captain Fogg.srt [8.03kB]
│ ├─ 027_Around the World in 80 Days 27_Captain Fogg.mp4 [41.68MB]
│ ├─ 026_Around the World in 80 Days 26_Across the Atlantic.srt [8.37kB]
│ ├─ 026_Around the World in 80 Days 26_Across the Atlantic.mp4 [38.02MB]
│ ├─ 025_Around the World in 80 Days 25_To Omaha.srt [7.35kB]
│ ├─ 025_Around the World in 80 Days 25_To Omaha.mp4 [43.01MB]
│ ├─ 024_Around the World in 80 Days 24_The Rescue.srt [7.82kB]
│ ├─ 024_Around the World in 80 Days 24_The Rescue.mp4 [40.50MB]
│ ├─ 023_Around the World in 80 Days 23_The Duel.srt [8.40kB]
│ ├─ 023_Around the World in 80 Days 23_The Duel.mp4 [48.31MB]
│ ├─ 022_Around the World in 80 Days 22_The Train to New York.srt [8.02kB]
│ ├─ 022_Around the World in 80 Days 22_The Train to New York.mp4 [65.87MB]
│ ├─ 021_Around the World in 80 Days 21_To San Francisco.srt [8.33kB]
│ ├─ 021_Around the World in 80 Days 21_To San Francisco.mp4 [51.88MB]
│ ├─ 020_Around the World in 80 Days 20_The Circus.srt [8.17kB]
│ ├─ 020_Around the World in 80 Days 20_The Circus.mp4 [56.40MB]
│ ├─ 019_Around the World in 80 Days 19_Passepartout's Adventures.srt [7.81kB]
│ ├─ 019_Around the World in 80 Days 19_Passepartout's Adventures.mp4 [39.24MB]
│ ├─ 018_Around the World in 80 Days 18_The Tankadere.srt [7.48kB]
│ ├─ 018_Around the World in 80 Days 18_The Tankadere.mp4 [55.62MB]
│ ├─ 017_Around the World in 80 Days 17_In Search of a Ship.srt [8.68kB]
│ ├─ 017_Around the World in 80 Days 17_In Search of a Ship.mp4 [46.20MB]
│ ├─ 016_Around the World in 80 Days 16_In Hong Kong.srt [9.03kB]
│ ├─ 016_Around the World in 80 Days 16_In Hong Kong.mp4 [42.61MB]
│ ├─ 015_Around the World in 80 Days 15_To Hong Kong.srt [8.27kB]
│ ├─ 015_Around the World in 80 Days 15_To Hong Kong.mp4 [54.15MB]
│ ├─ 014_Around the World in 80 Days 14_The Rangoon.srt [7.29kB]
│ ├─ 014_Around the World in 80 Days 14_The Rangoon.mp4 [36.97MB]
│ ├─ 013_Around the World in 80 Days 13_Before the Judge.srt [8.03kB]
│ ├─ 013_Around the World in 80 Days 13_Before the Judge.mp4 [40.83MB]
│ ├─ 012_Around the World in 80 Days 12_To Calcutta.srt [7.53kB]
│ ├─ 012_Around the World in 80 Days 12_To Calcutta.mp4 [51.23MB]
│ ├─ 011_Around the World in 80 Days 11_The Rescue.srt [7.53kB]
│ ├─ 011_Around the World in 80 Days 11_The Rescue.mp4 [56.69MB]
│ ├─ 010_Around the World in 80 Days 10_To Allahabad.srt [7.80kB]
│ ├─ 010_Around the World in 80 Days 10_To Allahabad.mp4 [60.28MB]
│ ├─ 009_Around the World in 80 Days 9_The End of the Line.srt [7.77kB]
│ ├─ 009_Around the World in 80 Days 9_The End of the Line.mp4 [39.52MB]
│ ├─ 008_Around the World in 80 Days 8_In Bombay.srt [7.65kB]
│ ├─ 008_Around the World in 80 Days 8_In Bombay.mp4 [43.25MB]
│ ├─ 007_Around the World in 80 Days 7_The Mongolia.srt [7.85kB]
│ ├─ 007_Around the World in 80 Days 7_The Mongolia.mp4 [38.37MB]
│ ├─ 006_Around the World in 80 Days 6_Passports and Visas.srt [7.65kB]
│ ├─ 006_Around the World in 80 Days 6_Passports and Visas.mp4 [31.53MB]
│ ├─ 005_Around the World in 80 Days 5_The Suez.srt [7.82kB]
│ ├─ 005_Around the World in 80 Days 5_The Suez.mp4 [40.76MB]
│ ├─ 004_Around the World in 80 Days 4_At the Station.srt [7.39kB]
│ ├─ 004_Around the World in 80 Days 4_At the Station.mp4 [41.06MB]
│ ├─ 003_Around the World in 80 Days 3_The Journey Begins.srt [6.86kB]
│ ├─ 003_Around the World in 80 Days 3_The Journey Begins.mp4 [36.60MB]
│ ├─ 002_Around the World in 80 Days 2_The Wager.srt [7.59kB]
│ ├─ 002_Around the World in 80 Days 2_The Wager.mp4 [38.89MB]
│ ├─ 001_Around the World in 80 Days 1_London, England, 1872.srt [8.05kB]
│ ├─ 001_Around the World in 80 Days 1_London, England, 1872.mp4 [43.57MB]
